Introducing the Academy

Every day, we receive questions from parents who appreciate our apps asking when we will release the next one and what kind of app it will be. Now, we finally have the answer! We can’t wait to show you the brand-new app from Bimi Boo! We worked on this application for more than a year,

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How to Teach Kids Kindness

Whether you’re a first-time parent or a mother of five, kindness is a trait that all parents want their kids to have. More than intelligence or physical strength, kindness goes a long way in ensuring that your child is compassionate and that it will last until they grow up. Harvard University psychology professor Jerome Kagan

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Making-of Baby Piano

Fostering a love of music while also developing a sense of pitch are both extremely important qualities for children to learn as they begin to understand the world around them. Music not only helps them expand creatively and unlock various parts of the brain that they haven’t yet explored, it also brings a ton of

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What to Give Your Baby for Christmas

The Christmas holidays are a few days away—which means parents across the world are looking for different ways they can make their babies enjoy this festive season. At six months, babies have started exploring their environment and are sure to be dazzled by the Christmas lights and celebrations. From interactive toys to useful baby gifts,

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Interesting Ideas How to Spend Thanksgiving with Your Family

For most people, Thanksgiving is a holiday where we can get together with our family, share meals, and count our blessings while being thankful for good fortune. Over the years, families and their loved ones have developed unique Thanksgiving traditions- from fun games and activities to maybe even Thanksgiving dinner food.  Not only is this

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